When Chronic Illness makes you a Full Glass Kind of Person

In 2017, I felt unstoppable. That summer, I traveled to Germany and London, and a week after my return to the states, I flew to New York where I was a camp counselor for children with social and behavior challenges. Two months later, I returned to Ohio, took my GRE, went to my future job’s interview, and immediately moved back in to the dorms to begin my senior year of college. That fall, I took a heavy course load, was a mentor through a local elementary school, completed training for my new job, applied to grad schools, and worked 2 different jobs. I liked to think of myself as the energizer bunny back then- I just kept going, going, going. The thing with batteries is that no matter how long they last, they do eventually run out of charge. That happened to me, and things haven’t been the same since. I graduated from college a year early in spring of 2018 and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina for grad school at the end of that summer. Grad school is difficult, but fall 2018 pr...