
Showing posts from March, 2019

Being Thrown Back into your Old Life

A few weeks ago, I returned home to Ohio for my spring break. I've been back there a few times since I really start feeling sick on a regular basis. Yet, being there this time felt different. Maybe it was that my sister recently moved back home to my parent's house with her two children. My nephews are some of the best parts of my life hands down. At two-months and four years old, they both require quite the amount of attention. Being home during spring break was the first time I've been around them both constantly. On top of that, my family has always been a bit explosive in nature, making it a constant noisy and active environment to reenter myself into. Maybe it had something to do with crashing on my parent's couch every night with other people's schedules disrupting my energy-restoring slumber. All in all, these things led to an experience that made me realize how much my chronic illnesses have changed my life forever. I never thought being around those I lov...